Forum Cyber 4.0, in Rome 3rd e 4th June

The program – currently being defined – on the first day will involve authoritative representatives of national and supranational institutions who will take stock of the cybersecurity challenges in Italy and around the world, the current initiatives to strengthen capacity and skills, the national regulatory and strategic framework, its evolutionary prospects along the lines of development of the European Union. Among the various prominent speakers will be the Prefect Bruno Frattasi, Director General of the National Cybersecurity Agency, the Deputy Minister of Business and Made in Italy Valentino Valentini and Luca Tagliaretti, Executive Director of the European Cybersecurity Competence Center but we will also have testimonies from the academic world in particular with the participation of Luigi Gubitosi, President of the Luiss University, and Antonella Polimeni, Rector of the Sapienza University of Rome. But it will also be an opportunity to take stock of the Centre’s actions in support of businesses and public administration, one year after having qualified as a PNRR implementing body for the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, focusing on the services and on the incentives paid.

The second day will be dedicated to two important areas of the Centre: research and innovation and initiatives aimed at students

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