II Level Master in “Cooperation and Geopolitics”

At the start of the II level master with the participation of many illustrious names from the academic world and beyond. The new online master in “Cooperation and Geopolitics“, the result of the collaboration between Manalive and Unicusano, was strongly desired to underline the close correlation between humanitarian activities, development projects and geopolitics, particularly in third world countries.

The Master’s objective is the development of transversal skills regarding the world of cooperation both nationally and internationally. In particular, in this course, all the implications related to the action of humanitarian cooperation are addressed, both of a political, legal and economic nature in order to transmit the knowledge necessary to identify the various activities in the sector, their possible developments, the advantages and the limits in an increasingly complex context. Students will understand the political, operational and ethical challenges resulting from increasing advances in non-profit matters. The course will provide theoretical notions alongside practical examples, with direct evidence, in order to understand the structure and operation of humanitarian actions based on the different subjects, their assumptions and their objectives.

To find out more and to fill out the application form click HERE