Initiatives and discounts at the Bioparco in Rome

On the last Sunday of Carnival, 11 February 2024, the Bioparco offers a special rate: masked children up to 10 years of age will be entitled to entry for €10 (instead of €14).

From 11.00 to 15.00 you can participate in the animated tour entitled ‘Animal Clothes’, a guided tour to understand how animals manage to survive also thanks to disguises. And this applies both to prey, such as insects that blend in with the bark, and to predators, such as tigers that make themselves invisible. The guided tour will touch the areas of: snowy owls, reticulated giraffes, mandrills, zebras, leopards and Bengal tigers.

During the day, the educational activity ‘He who does not adapt is lost’ will be organized. In the company of an educational operator, you will closely observe very interesting animals such as Madagascar geckos, red-legged tortoises, arrow frogs, toads, pogons, axolotls, chameleons and stick insects. You will be able to discover how, through natural selection, life forms have found sometimes very ingenious adaptations to be able to survive. Furthermore, it will be possible to manipulate different finds such as antlers, horns, giraffe vertebrae, and ostrich eggs to experiment with their weight, consistency, and shape and discover that each of those finds represents the incredible result of a very long evolutionary path. For this activity, booking is mandatory; you can book on the same day of the visit at the reservation desk at the entrance to the park.

Not to be missed are the animal meals, organized by the keeper, during which you will be able to discover the ingredients of the lunch of Japanese macaques at 11.00 am, Catta lemurs at 11.30 am, Asian elephants at midday, chimpanzees at 2.00 pm, California fur seals (at 3.00 pm) and Cape penguins (3.30 pm).

All the day’s activities are included in the cost of the entrance ticket.