Ipatia International Award

The “Ipatia International Award” is awarded as part of the Festival of Female Excellence in Genoa. In this edition we wanted to bring Syria to attention, at a time when the world’s eyes are focused on the Middle East. The long war that this country has experienced has almost wiped it off the map. The Prize is awarded to WAFA ALI MUSTAFA, a Syrian activist in exile. Wafa is a young woman, living in Germany, who fights in the name of her people’s tragedy. Since 2011, her father has been missing, and she is threatened. Wafa represents all Syrians, victims twice: without a country and rights. Our thoughts and homage to them.

Presiding over the Award is Carmen Lasorella, journalist and writer, who has always been attentive to gender issues and to giving voice to the so-called “forgotten”. Like Syria which now seems to no longer have media coverage, but where tragedies are still taking place and perpetrated today. The awards ceremony will be held in Genoa on Tuesday 5 December at 5.30 pm in the Council Room of the Metropolitan City