La Penna d’Oca del Campidoglio

Every day there are people who dedicate part of their time to safeguarding the environment, nature and defending animals. Everyone does their part with the means at their disposal and with that set of small gestures useful to protect and save the planet.  The “La Penna d’Oca del Campidoglio” award is dedicated to them, which will take place on 30 May 2024 at 4.00 pm at the Protomoteca in Campidoglio

Faces and stories at the center of a special recognition given to all those who make a difference in everyday life and are committed to raising public awareness through articles, television reports, social media, workshops, educational campaigns, solidarity initiatives.  A recognition that underlines the link between men, animals, environment and inspired precisely by the geese that saved Rome 390 years before the birth of Christ. A legend that has its roots in antiquity. During the siege of the Gauls of Brennius, in fact, the geese present on the Capitoline Hill, the only animals that survived the hunger of the besieged because they were sacred to Juno, began to squawk loudly, warning the former Consul Marcus Manlius and the besieged Romans of the danger, who in this way managed to to save themselves. From this historical tale to the more recent “stories” told by the hand of authorial pens, but not only, who every day contribute to the protection of the world around us. The award, created by the Pet Carpet association and its president, the journalist Federica Rinaudo, was strongly supported by the Councilor and secretary of the Capitoline Assembly Fabrizio Santori, who has always been attentive to the causes that unite “hands and paws”. The ceremony, carried out thanks to the collaboration of entities such as Giuntini and Cucciolotta, includes the participation of numerous personalities from the world of journalism, culture, entertainment, but also law enforcement, students and citizens who have been identified for having distinguished themselves with commitment, dedication, love. Great protagonists are the young students of some schools who, with excellent teamwork, thanks to the teachers, have carried out eco-sustainable projects to hope for a future on the side of the earth. Info