Letters on the world From the Diplomatic Studies Circle 2022

Like every year, the Circle of Diplomatic Studies presents the publication of the new volume, written by several hands by the ambassadors, entitled “Letters on the World“. This year’s volume contains texts by the ambassadors Roberto Nigido, Laura Mirachian, Maurizio Melani, Paolo Casardi, Jolanda Brunetti, Maria Assunta Accili, Gabriele Checchia, Mario E. Maiolini, Adriano Benedetti, Giorgio Malfatti di Monte Tretto, Giuseppe Morabito, Francesco Aloisi de Larderel, Carlo Trezza.

The volume can be purchased in bookstores or ordered through the main online bookstores (eg www.ibs.it, www.amazon.it) or directly through the Mazzanti Libri website. The first pages of the book can be viewed online.