Street art “Open for Works” at Palazzo Farnese

The vernissage of the Palisade del Mascherone «A contemporary look at the Farnese», created by young Italian and French artists, curated by the French artist Aristide Barraud as part of the Project for the artistic enhancement of the Palazzo Farnese restoration site “Open for Works“, will be held on Tuesday 27 June, starting at 20.00, Palazzo Farnese (via del Mascherone side).

The artists were selected through the call “A contemporary look at the Farnese” and are Alexandra Fongaro, Alice Papi, Carlos Atoche, Claire Baratto, Dalia Sestieri, Diletta Ugolini, Gea Logan, Gianfranco Toso, Giulia Di Pasquale, Giulia Vitiello, Riccardo Martinelli , Lin Dhuong, Marcello del Prato, Marco Affaitati, Nathalia Koux, Pierre Peroncini, Stefano Bove, Valerio Prugnola, Valerio Ventura and Vanda Focanti.

To enhance the Farnese architecture, the French Embassy has offered contemporary artists the opportunity to cast their gaze on the history of the Palace. The palisade in via del Mascherone was therefore made available to twenty young artists to express their vision of the Palazzo: the characters who animated its history, who participated in its construction, conception and architecture.