Study day – Entertainment buildings in ancient Rome

The Theater of Pompey, the Flavian Amphitheater, the Variano Circus and the Castrense Amphitheater are some of the monuments featured in the study day Buildings for entertainment in ancient Rome scheduled for Thursday 1 June at the Auditorium of the Ara Pacis Museum. The event, promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Culture – Capitoline Superintendency for Cultural Heritage, sees the participation of numerous scholars who will share the most recent data of their research and is organized in memory of Paola Ciancio Rossetto, who for over thirty For years she has worked as an archaeologist for the Superintendence, taking care of the restoration, study and arrangement for public use of some important monuments in Rome, including the Circus Maximus and the Theater of Marcellus. An opportunity for discussion and sharing between scholars of the classical world.

Free admission subject to availability. Live streaming on