The new LUISS-branded Master SPACE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT takes off

Space has Scientists and Technicians, now it needs Managers. In recent years we have been witnessing renewed and increasing attention to (the) Space (sector) which has become so relevant it deserves the name of the New Space Economy.

This course “SPACE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT” aims to offer the missing managerial competencies to those highly specialized professionals who operate in the space sector or who intend to move there, to enable their professional growth into top positions. 

Our goal is therefore to start you off on a path that goes from being a professional to becoming a manager, to developing into a leader of an organization.

As a participant, you will be provided with the vision, the hard (financial, marketing, organizational) and soft (people management, negotiation, leadership) managerial competencies and skills required to be successful in the Space Economy.

For any further info click HERE